
Power of Prayer



Many families have lost loved ones who have been sick at home and were being kept without treatment, expecting the patient to recover in due time without treatment. This is a dangerous practice because most diseases will never go away without treatment, especially if it's a serious disease or an infection, even if the patient has a strong immune system to wrestle with the micro-organisms in the body. Moreover, treatments are more effective in the earlier stages of a disease and as such it is important to seek treatment as soon as one starts to feel unwell. Community pharmacies are able to respond to your disease symptoms and recommend available treatments before someone gets very sick.  Take charge of your life and improve your quality of life by seeking earlier medical attention. 

Whence Comes My Victory



Take charge of your health this year by visiting your nearest community pharmacy or healthcare institution for management of any health problem you may be facing.Your health comes first.Success in life begins with God, your health and hard work.Your health matters.

Wheels of Fate

If your ways of life is to step on others to get higher, sooner or later God will make you meet someone bigger or smaller who will knock you down somehow.Jake

My Health and I

I need to do something and improve my health.I understand frequent exercise and eating the right food will be greatly beneficial to achieving what i want to achieve. I can do some exercise and try to be selective in my food.The book 'Let Food Be Thy Medicine' has been of great help,but sticking to those diets has not been easy.I think i might be missing some of the foods i enjoy and which i have gotten used to. But then i keep on asking myself,'what really is more importan to me? Enjoying what i eat now or sticking to what is right and prepare for my future?' I have noticed lately that, when i exercise and eat the right stuff,i feel much better and wake up in the mornings feeling better and stronger.I know this is what i need and must work harder to improve and achieve that. The Meditetranean Diet,as they call it, is something i really have to work on and stick to.Who knows,i might have fewer ailments in my old age and also live longer like those others i have seen and